Labradorite Tower


This massive Labradorite Tower is everything you've dreamed of. It has multiple flashes that can be seen from many angles and sides of the tower, and is easy to get lost in!

Labradorite is a beautiful feldspar crystal that has blue, green and red rainbow flashes when viewed at different angles. The Inuit people have a long belief of their ancestors falling from the sky, becoming trapped inside of the rock. Another legend says the flashes inside labradorite are actually evolved beings trying to connect with us. This has led to its reputation as a spirit stone, especially one of transformation.

Diameters: 8.25x4.0x3.5 inches

Metaphysical Properties:
- Increases mental sharpness and intellect
- Provides a boost of inspiration and originality
- Aids scientific analysis, and being able to see many possibilities at once
- Calms an overactive mind
- Helps with change, lending strength and perseverance

Good for the Third Eye & Crown Chakra
Good for Sagittarius, Scorpio & Leo
Element: Air
Associates with the planets Uranus and the Moon